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Top 10 Amazing Small Kitchen Decorating Ideas

Small kitchens are common in most modern houses nowadays. The good thing is that they are cost-effective, easy to clean and have better energy efficiency in terms of utility bills, but they have some limitations like insufficient storage, overcrowding risk and difficulty in incorporating the latest trends. To overcome these types of limitations, here are some top trending small kitchen decorating ideas to make your kitchen luxurious and exceptional.

How to define a small kitchen

There is no strict definition of a small kitchen, but we can identify it by some factors. A small kitchen has a limited size and layout, limited storage space and an area of less than 70 square feet (6.5 square meters). Small kitchens don’t have space for dining. These perceptions may vary from area to area, depending on individual preferences and cultural or regional standards.

Pros and cons of small kitchen for decoration

A small kitchen has some benefits and limitations. We are discussing them briefly, and we will consider these limitations while discussing its decoration ideas.


  • Low cost for remodeling and maintenance
  • Easier cleaning
  • Easy hot or cool reservation, i.e, saving bills
  • Better quality selection
  • Less time required for kitchen workout


  • Insufficient storage
  • Limited decorating items selection
  • Limited color selection
  • Overcrowding and suffocation
  • Limitation in keeping up with the latest trends
  • Lack of dinning facility
  • Limited space for kitchen furniture
  • Limited decorating ideas

Small kitchen decorating ideas

Although there are some limitations, a well-planned small kitchen can give an awesome appearance. Here are some unique decorating tips to make your kitchen very appealing:

1. Simplicity and consistency in design

Simplicity and consistency are the key factors of attraction. This becomes more critical when we have narrow spaces, where a little more design creates the feeling of overcrowding. For a small kitchen, a major factor that impacts its look is how simple and consistent its texture is. A simple and consistent design should prevail throughout the kitchen and in every single item present in it. The cabinets’ doors can be of plan sheet with light color, Countertop color should be matching, The wall roof and floor color must be matching.

Small kitchen comparison of heavy and simple design comparison

2. Place every item in sequence

In a small kitchen, the major focus is storage and arrangement of items so that maximum utility items can be placed in minimum space. This is possible with proper planning of how to arrange everything in a well-mannered way. The countertop should be free of utensils when not in use, which creates the feeling of wide space. Avoid placing random items without any sequence. Every item should be in cabinets, and each cabinet should contain similar items, while related items should be placed in adjacent cabinets.

3. Use hanging technique

To overcome the problem of limited space, use the hanging technique, where many kitchen items can be hung on the wall. Frequently used items like spoons, forks, and knives can be hung near the sink. Hanging items not only create more space but also give a beautiful look.


4. Use indoor plants

Indoor plants give a fresh look and prevent the congested feeling. Place them in free spaces, especially in corners, at the edges of the countertop, or on top of cabinets. Proper care is required, and they should be kept at a distance from fire. Artificial greenery can be used to some extent. The use of creeping plants is a good decorating idea for a small kitchen if carefully used. However, avoid having too many plants or greenery items, as they can disturb the routine work of the kitchen.

Indoor plants in kitchen

5. Use of light or neutral colors

The selection of colors plays a vital role in the decoration of a small kitchen. For any small space, the selection of light or neutral colors is essential, as they create an impression of wider space and a better look compared to warm or dark colors. Therefore, for a small kitchen, always choose light or neutral colors to achieve a cool and spacious effect.

Light color theme fro small kitchen

6. Use of hanging lights

For a small kitchen, it is necessary to make it fully lit. Hanging lights give a decent look and improve light focus. Stylish hanging lights naturally decorate the kitchen and add a charming touch.

Hanging lights in kitchen

7. Use multipurpose items

A small kitchen offers limited choices for selection and storage, so it is necessary to avoid unnecessary items on the kitchen countertop. Every item and piece of equipment must be placed in a well-defined pattern. Avoid any unnecessary furniture; only use a stool that can be adjusted in a cabinet. Use multifunctional, lightweight, and easily adjustable furniture.

Using jars and boxes can store many items and save space. Different types and shapes of jars and boxes are available in the market. These look good when placed in an orderly pattern. Avoid placing them in a random or scattered manner.

Jars and boxed for kitchen items

9. Avoid the use of heavy designed wallpapers

Kitchen wallpapers are designed to give a good look, but for a small kitchen, avoid heavy designed wallpapers. Simple and decent wallpaper with simple colors should be used.

10. Avoid dark and multicolor items

Try to avoid using many colors in the kitchen. Use a limited color scheme with matching colors. This creates a decent look and a good texture for the kitchen.

How can I make my small kitchen look nice?

A small kitchen can give a pleasant look by using light colors, avoiding heavy and multi-colored design items, using hanging or vertical storage solutions, and utilizing multi-purpose kitchen items.

What colors make the kitchen look bigger?

The use of light or neutral colors gives a bigger look to the kitchen.

How can I make my kitchen look fancy?

Countertop and cabinet design play an important role in the appearance of the kitchen. Compatible color and design of cabinets and countertops, along with the wall color, give a fancy look to the kitchen.

How can I make my cheap kitchen look better?

To enhance the look of the kitchen, make sure the countertop has only a few essential items. Use light colors and light designs, and also use some indoor plants.

How can I make my kitchen look neat?

An empty countertop, properly hanging kitchen items, and using appropriate lighting give the kitchen a neat look.


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